Bee Biology and Identification Classroom This classroom workshop, led by Bonnie Zand RPBio (BC Native Bee Society), will provide you with identification strategies for common native bees, as well as in depth information on their nesting, overwintering, and flower...

Join our team: Part-time Admin Manager wanted

KNPS is seeking a part-time administrative manager to lead our day-to-day operations and contribute to our mission of connecting people, plants, and place. If you are passionate about non-profit finance and administration, see the attached job description for more...

Stem & Tunnel-nesting bees

About 30% of native bees, including mason bees, most leafcutter bees, and small carpenter bees make their nests in holes of dead trees or in hollow plant stems.  Some species will readily use artificial nest blocks made by people. Help their habitat Be a messy...

Ground-nesting bees

About 70% of native bees, including sweat bees, mining bees, long-horned bees and bumble bees nest in the ground. They are vulnerable to soil disturbance and tilling.  Most ground-nesting bees don’t fly very far from their nest sites.   Help their habitat...