Native Plants for the Pollination Pathway
This fact sheet provides information on the plants that are most important to native bees and butterflies in low-elevation West Kootenay ecosystems. These are the plants selected by pollinators for pollinators. Consider adding these priority flowering herbs and shrubs to help pollinators flourish in your garden and connect your garden to wild populations. Together, we can build a more biodiverse and resilient pathway of native plants and pollinators across our landscapes.
The information provided is based on field research conducted by Dr. Brenda Beckwith, Valerie Huff, Janice Arndt, and Rowan Rampton.
Rare and Climate-Vulnerable Butterflies of the West Kootenay
This brochure showcases twelve butterflies considered vulnerable to climate change in the West Kootenay region of the British Columbia Interior. Host plants that are essential for the survival of these butterflies are listed, where known, based on research conducted by Janice Arndt and Brenda Beckwith for the BC Parks Living Lab Program.
Butterfly Checklist for Beaver Creek, Syringa, and King George VI Provincial Parks
This is a checklist of butterflies found in three BC Parks, based on research conducted by Janice Arndt and Brenda Beckwith for the BC Parks Living Lab Program and the Pollination Pathway Climate Adaptation Initiative.
Interactive Plant-Bee Networks
Understanding how plants and bees interact can help guide conservation efforts. These interactive network diagrams were produced by Rowan Rampton based on his research for the Pollination Pathway where he meticulously documented plant use by bees in West Kootenay camas meadows.
Pollination Pathway Climate Adaptation Initiative Year In Review
Download our annual newsletter – 2023

Protecting Native Pollinators in the Columbia Basin
This poster describes pollinator groups of the Columbia Basin and describes how landowners can take action to protect them. A full-size version is available for printing on request.
West Kootenay Native Plants of Special Value to Pollinators
This handy guide describes the pollinator and restoration value of native plants for pollinators.
Pollination Pathway Climate Adaptation Initiative
Download our first Annual Newsletter:
Kootenay Lake Wildflower Seed Library Collection Manual
Seed Collection Manual download
We all love wildflowers! They trumpet in the summer with bright blues and yellows and reds, and vibrate with life as bees, butterflies, moths, flies, and beetles collect their nectar and pollen. But we often forget about the amazing cycle of life that continues after the blooms fade. Seed collection is an opportunity to connect with the world through a different kind of beauty, quiet and unadorned. It offers another reason to walk or bike or paddle, to get out for the day or just for an hour, to share time with friends or in solitary contemplation, to look closely at things that might otherwise get a passing glance, and to learn new things about the ancient practices of plants and people. If you are intrigued, download the manual to learn how to collect seeds of local wildflowers
KNPS Plant Salvage Guidelines
The Kootenay Native Plant Society endorses and is guided by the Plant Salvage Guidelines of the Native Plant Society of BC, which can be found at
In addition to these guidelines, the Kootenay Native Plant Society adopts the following further salvage guidelines:
- that salvaged plants are not to be sold, and
- that plants salvaged locally should be replanted locally.
The Kootenay Native Plant Society would like to emphasize that native plant salvage operations should be a last resort for lands slated for disturbance. Conservation of habitat is preferred, and conservation attempts should precede and take precedence over any salvage operations. Furthermore, any salvage operation being considered should include linkages to at least one other society objective, such as education, outreach, restoration or research.
Columbia River Basin Biodiversity Atlas
Native Plant Society of BC
Native Plants of British Columbia for the Coastal Grower by Richard Hebda
The Native Plant Network
A few good books about growing native plants
Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia
by Robert Parish, Ray Coupe, Dennis Lloyd
Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest
by Arthur R. Kruckeberg
Cultivating the Wild: Gardening with Native Plants of British Columbia’s Southern Interior and Eastern Washington
by Eva Durance
Propagation of Pacific Northwest Native Plants
by Robin Rose
Ethical guidelines